Internet Policy
The Cedarburg Public Library, as part of its mission, has made Internet access available to the public. Users should be aware that information accessed via the Internet might be controversial, inaccurate or dated. The Library makes a distinction between access to information via the Internet and selection of library materials. The Library acquires materials based on the Materials Selection Policy. Information accessed via the Internet is not subject to the same review. The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Library assumes no responsibility for the use of the Internet by minors.
- An adult must accompany minors under the age of 13 as they access the Internet to ensure compliance with the Internet Policy.
- Requests for internet use by minors under the age of 13 may be taken under consideration by the Librarian at the Information Desk at the time of request.
- There is a limit of two persons per workstation.
- In order to use the Internet, all users must follow the posted procedures.
- Cell phones may not be used at the Internet machines. Calls may be taken in the lobby.
Responsible, ethical use of the Internet by all patrons includes the following:
- Using resources for educational information and recreational purposes only. It will not be used for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
- Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user.
- Not attempting to gain unauthorized access to (“hacking”) files, passwords or data belonging to others.
- Not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging or altering the software or hardware components of any network or database, including the computer on which the software or hardware is installed in the public library.
- Patrons will not be able to save anything to the hard drive or install software.
- Making only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data.
- Not sending, receiving or displaying text or graphics, which may reasonably be construed as obscene.
Use of the Internet stations may be revoked at any time for inappropriate conduct, which is not limited to the above-mentioned guidelines. Illegal use of the Internet may also be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.
For Your Information
The library is not responsible for loss of documents due to viruses or other problems.
The library is not responsible for the consequence of Internet commerce, i.e. credit card numbers and personal information
A minimal level of competence is expected of the Internet users
The staff is available to provide assistance, but may not be familiar with every application that you wish to use.
Adopted by the Library Board February 17, 2010
Revised by the Library Board September 15, 2014
Digital Media Policy
1. Cedarburg Public Library (CPL) uses digital media outlets to support the library mission of connecting people with ideas, resources, and technology to educate and entertain. Digital media outlets are among the library’s primary means of communicating with the public about our services.
2. Digital media is defined as websites, social media accounts, e-newsletters, blogs, internet radio and other digital communication tools utilized by the library. Content that is posted on library sponsored sites may be subject to state and federal public records statutes and records retention requirements.
3. CPL’s digital media accounts are maintained by select library staff who are responsible for ensuring brand standards and consistency.
4. The library’s digital media sites are not intended to be traditional public forums for the general exchange of ideas and viewpoints, but a limited public forum for discussing library programs, events, and materials. Local community events, local people, and topics of local interest may be used as approved by the Library Director or designee.
The library does not make its digital media accounts available for public discourse, but rather reserves and limits the topics that may be discussed.
The following content shall not be allowed:
i. Obscenity
ii. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination
and/or harassment based on race, creed, color, age, gender, marital
status, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual
orientation, ancestry, or any other protected category.
iii. Slanderous, libelous, threatening, or defamatory statements.
iv. Doxing or berating or attacking another person’s view on a topic due to disagreement.
v. Copyrighted or trademarked material on our digital platforms.
vi. Spam
vii. Content not related to Library business, programs, events,
resources and materials.
viii. Advertising or sale of merchandise or services
ix. Charitable solicitations or political campaigning
Egregious or repeated violations will be grounds for the user to be banned from commenting on the library’s digital media accounts by the Library Director or the Director’s designee. Any user that is banned from commenting will be notified and given the opportunity to appeal the decision. Appeals must be submitted within 30 days in writing and will be considered by the Library Board of Trustees.
Approved by the Cedarburg Library Board of Trustees – July 27, 2022
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